Simple DFT workflows with SPARC-X-API

As documentation for basic usage shows, replacing an existing DFT-based workflow using SPARC-X-API calculator interface can be as easy as simply swapping the calculator instance to sparc.SPARC from other codes like VASP, QE or GPAW.

Here we show a simple example that calculates the equation of state (EOS) of bulk aluminum and determine its optimal lattice constant, adapted from GPAW’s tutorial. In the GPAW tutorial, a GPAW calculator in Planewave (PW) mode is created like follows:

from gpaw import GPAW, PW
calc = GPAW(mode=PW(ecut),
            kpts=(8, 8, 8),

We can create a SPARC-X-API calculator using similar parameters. Note that in real-space DFT, the parameter mesh spacing (h) controls the convergence. To avoid large “egg-box effect” due to large mesh spacing, we recommend to use a smaller h value. For demonstration purpose a rather rough mesh spacing h=0.25 (in Angstrom) and a 3x3x3 k-points are used.

import numpy as np
from import bulk
from ase.eos import calculate_eos

from sparc import SPARC

def main():
    # Al in conventional cell
    atoms = bulk("Al", cubic=True)
    calc = SPARC(h=0.25, kpts=(3, 3, 3), xc="pbe", directory="ex0-eos")
    vol = atoms.get_volume()
    atoms.calc = calc
    eos = calculate_eos(atoms, npoints=5, eps=0.05, trajectory="al-eos-sparc.traj")
    print("Original volume: Ang^3", vol)
    v, e, B =
    print("Fitted volume (Ang^3), energy (eV), modulus (eV/Ang^3)")
    print(v, e, B)
    a0 = v ** (1 / 3)
    print(f"Optimal cell length (cubic): {a0} Ang")
    atoms.set_cell([a0, a0, a0], scale_atoms=True)
    e0_sparc = atoms.get_potential_energy()
    print(f"Energy calculated by SPARC: {e0_sparc} eV")
    print(f"Energy diff {abs(e0_sparc - e)} eV")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The output from the above example may look like:


This example uses file I/O mode for demonstration purpose only. Consider choosing the socket mode if you need more flexibility.