Using Machine learning force fields (MLFF) in SPARC-X-API

Training Machine Learned Force Fields using SPARC and the SPARC-X-API

The SPARC source code has the ability to train MLFF on-the-fly using the SOAP descriptor and Bayesian Linear Regression. This feature can be accessed via the API by passing the appropriate sparc flags to the SPARC calculator object. An exhaustive list of MLFF parameters are available in the SPARC documentation.

The primary flag of interest is the MLFF_FLAG which must be set to 1 to train a MLFF from scratch. This needs to be included in a parameter dictionary that will later be passed to a SPARC calculator instance:

calc_params = {
    "KPOINT_GRID": [1,1,1],
    "MESH_SPACING": 0.35,
    "TOL_SCF": 0.0001,
    "MAXIT_SCF": 100,
    "ELEC_TEMP_TYPE": "fermi-dirac",
    "ELEC_TEMP": 116,
    "PRINT_ATOMS": 1,
    "PRINT_FORCES": 1,
    "SPIN_TYP": 0,
    "MLFF_FLAG": 1,

This parameter dictionary primes an on-the-fly simulation. The MLFF_INITIAL_STEPS_TRAIN keyword specifies the number of reference structures that will be added to the training set before the model is first trained. References structures can be generated using the SPARC calculator in FileIO mode with C SPARC’s internal relaxation or MD algorithms. Adding

calc_params['RELAX_FLAG'] = 1


calc_params['MD_FLAG'] = 1

to the parameter dictionary will train an ML model on-the-fly during relaxation or MD. Additional MD related parameters will be necessary such as the timestep and method. See the SPARC documentation for details. The simulations can be triggered by calling the familiar property functions on an ASE Atoms object. Here, we use a water molecule:

from sparc.calculator import SPARC
from import molecule

water = molecule('H2O', vacuum=7)
water.pbc = [False,False,False]
water.calc = SPARC(**calc_params)
energy = water.get_potential_energy()

This triggers an on-the-fly relaxation or MD simulation. Additional details are available in the SPARC documentation regarding hyperparameters and recommended settings.

Pairing SPARC and the SPARC-X-API with external algorithms via iPI socket communication

The iPI communication protocol embedded in SPARC and accessed via the SPARC-X-API allows users to treat SPARC as a DFT backend for many additional python libraries. For example, the reference structures for training MLFF on-the-fly can be generated via external algorithms such as ASE optimizers or MD engines. The DFT energies, forces, and stresses are computed by SPARC and parsed by the API to allow positions to be updated externally. The code from the previous section can be modified to use the ASE implementation of the BFGS algorithm:

from sparc.calculator import SPARC
from import molecule
from ase.optimize import BFGS

water = molecule('H2O', vacuum=7)
water.pbc = [False,False,False]

calc_params = {
    "KPOINT_GRID": [1,1,1],
    "MESH_SPACING": 0.35,
    "TOL_SCF": 0.0001,
    "MAXIT_SCF": 100,
    "ELEC_TEMP_TYPE": "fermi-dirac",
    "ELEC_TEMP": 116,
    "PRINT_ATOMS": 1,
    "PRINT_FORCES": 1,
    "SPIN_TYP": 0,
    "MLFF_FLAG": 1,

with SPARC(use_socket=True, **calc_params) as calc:
    water.calc = calc
    dyn = BFGS(water, trajectory = 'water-bfgs-opt.traj')

A MLFF is still trained on-the-fly using SPARC DFT energies, forces, and stresses; but the structures are generated from the ASE optimization algorithm.