Geometric optimization in file-I/O and socket modes
When a DFT workflow requires multiple evaluations of single point calculations, running SPARC-X-API in socket mode will usually have advantage over the standard file-I/O mode. Here we use an example of optimizing an ammonia molecule to show the difference.
First we construct a NH3 molecule in a box with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and optimize it with SPARC’s internal geometric optimization (geopt) routine. We use a rough mesh spacing for demonstration purpose only.
import numpy as np
from import molecule
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
from sparc import SPARC
nh3 = molecule("NH3", cell=(8, 8, 8), pbc=False)
# All atoms must be within the domain when using
# Dirichlet BC in SPARC
# Fix the N center
nh3.constraints = [FixAtoms([0])]
def optimize_sparc_internal():
atoms = nh3.copy()
calc = SPARC(
kpts=(1, 1, 1),
convergence={"forces": 0.02},
atoms.calc = calc
e_fin = atoms.get_potential_energy()
f_fin = atoms.get_forces()
nsteps = len(calc.raw_results["geopt"])
print("SPARC internal LBFGS:")
print(f"Final energy: {e_fin} eV")
print(f"Final fmax: {np.max(np.abs(f_fin))} eV/Ang")
print(f"N steps: {nsteps}")
Alternatively we can use any of the ase.optimize
optimizers to perform
the geometric relaxation, for example BFGS.
The following code uses the file I/O mode:
def optimize_ase_bfgs():
atoms = nh3.copy()
calc = SPARC(
kpts=(1, 1, 1),
atoms.calc = calc
opt = BFGS(atoms)
e_fin = atoms.get_potential_energy()
f_fin = atoms.get_forces()
nsteps = opt.nsteps
print("ASE LBFGS")
print(f"Final energy: {e_fin} eV")
print(f"Final fmax: {np.max(np.abs(f_fin))} eV/Ang")
print(f"N steps: {nsteps}")
There are several drawbacks in file I/O mode with multiple single point calculations:
The number of
files can accumulate quickly (e.g..static_01
, etc)In each calculation the density and orbital are re-calculated
There are overhead when writing / loading files
You can overcome these using the socket mode, effectively by just
invoking the use_socket=True
flag in above case.
Make sure your SPARC binary is compiled with socket support. See installation guide for more details.
def optimize_ase_bfgs_socket():
atoms = nh3.copy()
calc = SPARC(
h=0.18, kpts=(1, 1, 1), xc="pbe", print_forces=True, directory="ex1-ase-socket",
atoms.calc = calc
with calc:
opt = BFGS(atoms)
e_fin = atoms.get_potential_energy()
f_fin = atoms.get_forces()
nsteps = opt.nsteps
print("ASE LBFGS")
print(f"Final energy: {e_fin} eV")
print(f"Final fmax: {np.max(np.abs(f_fin))} eV/Ang")
print(f"N steps: {nsteps}")
Example outputs from the different ways of running the optimization are as follows:
SPARC internal LBFGS routine
ASE LBFGS + file I/O mode
ASE LBFGS + socket I/O mode
The result may be slightly different when further reducing h
and increase the box size. When running socket mode calculation with a large h
the error accumulation may lead to divergence.
Although the numbers of relaxation steps are similar between file I/O and socket mode, the total self-consistent force (SCF) steps are reduced from 230 in the file I/O mode to 94 in socket mode.