Configurations for SPARC-X-API
requires the following components to be fully functional:
A JSON schema parsed from SPARC LaTeX documentation
Pseudopotential files
SPARC C/C++ binary
Default configurations
is designed to automate the discovery of these
configurations. The default configurations are:
JSON schema:
Pseudopotential files:
(if installed via conda)Command to run SPARC binary:
mpirun sparc
is found in$PATH
Custom configurations
You can configure the setup for SPARC-X-API using either of the following methods:
(Recommended) use the ASE configuration file
Use environmental variables. Please note although environmental variables have long been the standard approach to set ASE-calculators, they may be obsolete in future releases of ASE.
The environmental variables will have higher priority than the equivalent fields in the configure file, if both are set.
Editing the configuration file
ASE will look for a configuration file at ~/.config/ase/config.ini
for package-specific settings. The configuration file follows the INI
format, where key-value pairs
are grouped in sections. An example of the SPARC-specific section may look like follows:
; `command`: full shell command (include MPI directives) to run SPARC calculation
; has the same effect as `ASE_SPARC_COMMAND`
command = srun -n 24 ~/bin/sparc
; `psp_path`: directory containing pseudopotential files
; has the same effect as `SPARC_PSP_PATH`
psp_path = ~/dev_SPARC/psps
; `doc_path`: directory for SPARC LaTeX documentation
; has the same effect as `SPARC_DOC_PATH`
doc_path = ~/dev_SPARC/doc/.LaTeX/
The available options in the configuration file are:
SPARC command: either use
to set a full shell string to run the SPARC program, or use the combination ofsparc_exe
. See SPARC command configuration for more details.JSON schema settings (Optional): use either
to define a custom JSON schema file, ordoc_path
for parsing the LaTeX documentation on-the-fly. See JSON schema configuration for more details.Pseudopotential settings (Optional): use
for the location of pseudopotential files. See pseudopotential files settings for more details.
You can overwrite the location of the configuration file by the
environmental variable ASE_CONFIG_PATH
JSON schema
Each version of SPARC-X-API ships with a JSON schema compatible with a dated-version of SPARC C/C++ code. You can find that version in the README badge like follows:
If that does not match your local SPARC version, you can configure the location of JSON schema using one of the following methods:
Option 1. Parse LaTeX documentation on-the-fly
The environment variable SPARC_DOC_PATH
(equivalent to doc_path
field in configuration file) will direct SPARC-X-API to look for a local directory containing LaTeX documentation to parse on-the-fly, for example:
export SPARC_DOC_PATH=<local-SPARC-dir>/doc/.LaTeX
or configuration file setting:
doc_path: <local-SPARC-dir>/doc/.LaTeX
2. Use your own parameters.json
In some cases an experimental feature may not have been updated in the
official doc. You can create and edit your own parameters.json
to temporarily test a local version of SPARC:
First parse the LaTeX files into parameters.json
python -m sparc.docparser <local-SPARC-dir>/doc/.LaTeX \
--output parameters.json \
Then add / edit missing parameters in the parameters
section in
, see examples from the existing file:
"symbol": "ACE_FLAG",
"label": "ACE_FLAG",
"type": "integer",
"default": 1,
"unit": "No unit",
"example": "ACE_FLAG: 0",
"description": "Use ACE operator to accelarte the hybrid calculation.",
"remark": "Without ACE operator, the hybrid calculation will be way slower than with it on depending on the system size.",
"allow_bool_input": true,
"default_remark": "1",
"description_raw": "Use ACE operator to accelarte the hybrid calculation.",
"remark_raw": "Without ACE operator, the hybrid calculation will be way slower than with it on depending on the system size.",
"category": "scf"
Finally, set the json_schema
field in the configuration file to the
newly generated json file, for example:
; `json_schema`: custom schema file parsed from LaTeX documentation
json_schema: ~/SPARC/parameters.json
and doc_path
fields cannot be both present in the configuration file!
Pseudopotential files
To specify a custom path for your pseudopotential files (in Abinit psp8 format,
you can either use the environment variable SPARC_PSP_PATH
export SPARC_PSP_PATH=path/to/your/psp8/directory
or the equivalent keyword psp_path
in configuration file
psp_path: path/to/your/psp8/directory
When installing SPARC via conda-forge
is already included in the activate script of the
conda environment.
To determine the location of default psp8 files (as in manual pip installation), run the following code:
python -c "from sparc.common import psp_dir; print(psp_dir)"
SPARC command configuration
The command to execute SPARC calculations is determined based on the following priority:
The command argument provided directly to the
calculator.Command defined by environment variable
or configuration fileIf neither of the above is defined,
looks for the SPARC binary under current$PATH
and combine with the suitable MPI command prefix.
Use full command
(or command
field in configuration file)
contain the full command to run a SPARC calculation. depending on the system, you may choose one of the following:
(e.g. on a single test machine)
export ASE_SPARC_COMMAND="mpirun -n 8 -mca orte_abort_on_non_zero_status 1 /path/to/sparc -name PREFIX"
or in configuration file
command: mpirun -n 8 -mca orte_abort_on_non_zero_status 1 /path/to/sparc -name PREFIX
(e.g. SLURM job system HPCs)
export ASE_SPARC_COMMAND="srun -n 8 --kill-on-bad-exit /path/to/sparc -name PREFIX"
or in configuration file
command: srun -n 8 --kill-on-bad-exit /path/to/sparc -name PREFIX" /path/to/sparc -name PREFIX
-name PREFIX
is optional and will automatically replaced by thesparc.SPARC
calculator.We recommend adding kill switches for your MPI commands like the examples above when running
to avoid unexpected behaviors with exit signals.
Specifying MPI binary location
It is also possible to construct the SPARC command from two
Post-installation check
We recommend the users to run a simple test after installation and setup to make sure everything works:
python -m sparc.quicktest
A proper setup will display the following in the output’s Summary section:
psp_dir: /home/pink/Dev/SPARC/psps
api_version: 2024.10.14
api_source: {'path': '/home/pink/Dev/SPARC-X-API/sparc/sparc_json_api/parameters.json', 'type': 'json'}
command: mpirun -n 2 /home/pink/Dev/dev_SPARC/lib/sparc
sparc_version: 2024.10.14
sparc_socket_compatibility: True
Import: PASS
Pseudopotential: PASS
Calculation (File I/O): PASS
Calculation (UNIX socket): PASS
Check for error messages when some tests didn’t pass and troubleshooting hints, such as the example below with a mis-configured command.
psp_dir: /home/pink/Dev/SPARC/psps
api_version: 2024.10.14
api_source: {'path': '/home/pink/Dev/dev_SPARC/doc/.LaTeX', 'type': 'latex'}
command: mpirun -n 4 /home/pink/Dev/dev_SPARC/lib/sparc
sparc_version: NaN
sparc_socket_compatibility: False
Import: PASS
Pseudopotential: PASS
Calculation (File I/O): FAIL
Calculation (UNIX socket): FAIL
Some tests failed! Please check the following information.
SPARC Command:
Error detecting SPARC version
- The command prefix to run SPARC calculation should look like
`<mpi instructions> <sparc binary>`
- Use $ASE_SPARC_COMMAND to set the command string
- Check HPC resources and compatibility (e.g. `srun` on a login node)
Calculation (File I/O):
Simple calculation in file I/O mode failed:
SPARC failed with command mpirun -n 4 /home/pink/Dev/dev_SPARC/lib/sparc -name SPARCwith error code 1
- Check if settings for pseudopotential files are correct
- Check if SPARC binary exists and functional
- Check if specific HPC requirements are met:
(module files, libraries, parallel settings, resources)
Calculation (UNIX socket):
Simple calculation in socket mode (UNIX socket) failed:
Cannot find the sparc executable! Please make sure you have the correct setup
- The same as error handling in file I/O calculation test
- Check if SPARC binary supports socket
Please check additional information from:
1. SPARC's documentation:
2. Python API documentation:
When using SPARC-X-API to parse SPARC files, it’s essential that at least the “Import” and “JSON API” tests are successful.
For running SPARC calculations, “SPARC Command” and “Calculation (File I/O)” must also succeed.
“Calculation (UNIX socket)” ensures the SPARC binary is compatible with socket communication, see calculation in socket mode.
If you run into further problems, consult our troubleshooting guidlines or raise an issue.