SPARC-X-API package releases

On conda-forge

SPARC-X-API is packaged as sparc-x-api in the conda-forge channel. The source code (feedstock) for the package is managed at sparc-x-api-feedstock. Please note that this repository is under the conda-forge organization. If you wish to become a maintainer, please ping @alchem0x2a.

The feedstock is set to track new releases in SPARC-X-API, and usually no major maintenance is required. The bot system will create a PR for a version bump, see one example for the maintainers to modify and merge. Please also ensure:

  • Only the recipe/meta.yaml needs to be changed.

  • Follow the conda-forge’s own recipe standard

  • Do not directly use the .conda/meta.yaml for conda-forge (it is designed for local packaging test)

  • Bump the build.number if you need to change the recipe YAML on the same SPARC-X-API release.

Debug the recipe using local build

The build toolchain in conda-forge is slightly different from the standard conda-build command. If the build workflow fails after submitting the PR, you may run the recipe locally to debug. You need both the docker engine and a conda distribution on your local machine. Run the following command at the root of the local clone of sparc-x-api-feedstock:


Deploy on PyPI

SPARC-X-API is deployed on PyPI under the name sparc-x-api. Please contact the current maintainer @alchem0x2a if you wish to become a co-contributor.

Publishing on PyPI does not require setting an API token in the CI workflow. Instead, it uses the OIDC protocol for a trusted publisher. The current settings on PyPI are like follows:
