Github Settings

Remote Branches

There are multiple branches required for the CI/CD workflow in SPARC-X-API. Push / pull request to these branches should only be made by automatic github actions.

  • badges: branch for maintaining the svg badges (package version, CI status, etc.)

    A list of svg badges can be found under badges/ directory of this branch. See the development guide for how to add / modify badges to be shown in the README.

  • gh_pages: branch to publish the documentation site.

Github Pages

To allow pushed to the gh_pages branches to be automatically deployed to the document pages, go to the pages setting and set the “Source” to “Deploy from a branch”, as well as “Branch” to “gh_pages”, as shown in the UI screenshot below:

Github Pages Settings


Environment secrets (such as PyPI access key) can be configured in the secrets setting panel. Please check the github documentation for more details.

Managing CI/CD Pipelines

CI/CD pipelines in the SPARC-X-API repo are managed by Github workflows, consisting of multiple “Actions”. Workflow configuration YAML files are placed under .github/workflows/ and the workflow status can be checked at the Actions page. Please take a look at the official documentation for actions to get familiar with the syntax.

All workflows in the SPARC-X-API are designed to be able to run from manual dispatch (with the workflow_dispatch enabled in the YAML files) for debug purposes, from the “Run workflow” drop panel in the actions page, as shown in the screenshot below:

Github Actions Manual Dispatch

  • Unit-test workflow includes several steps to run unit and coverage test.

    • The steps Create badges and   Manually add git badges defines how the status badges in are created and pushed to the badges branch.

    • When adding unit test examples involving real SPARC calculations, do not use more than 4 MPI cores (may subject to changes) due to the resource limitation of hosted runners.

  • Publish doc pages workflow uses Sphinx to convert doc/ to doc html files.

    The rendered changes will only be pushed to the gh_pages branch with direct commit on the master branch or after one PR is merged.

  • Update JSON schema workflow updates the JSON schema file after a new release in SPARC C/C++ source code. The workflow is run both nightly and after normal push. You can change the behavior as needed.

    An example pull request created by the update workflow can be seen in the following screenshot:

    PR on github

    Once the

  • Publish PyPI workflow package the source as sparc-x-api and publish on PyPI. Only activates on new releases.