sparc.quicktest module

A simple test module for sparc python api Usage: python -m sparc.quicktest

class sparc.quicktest.ApiTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Check if the API can be loaded, and store the Schema version.

# TODO: consider change to schema instead of api # TODO: allow config to change json file path Error handling: - Check if default JSON schema exists in


  • Use $SPARC_DOC_PATH to specify the raw LaTeX files

display_name = 'JSON API'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info

class sparc.quicktest.BaseTest[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all tests providing functionalities

Each child class will implement its own run_test method to update the result, error_handling and info fields.

If you wish to include a simple error handling message for each child class, add a line starting Error handling follows by the helper message at the end of the docstring

property dislay_name

Convert the class’s docstring to error handling


Each class should implement ways to update result and info


Run test and update result etc. If result is False, update the error handling message

class sparc.quicktest.CommandTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Check validity of command to run SPARC calculation. This test also checks sparc version and socket compatibility

# TODO: check ase 3.23 config with separate binary Error handling: - The command prefix to run SPARC calculation should look like

<mpi instructions> <sparc binary>

  • Use $ASE_SPARC_COMMAND to set the command string

  • Check HPC resources and compatibility (e.g. srun on a login node)

display_name = 'SPARC Command'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info

class sparc.quicktest.FileIOCalcTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Run a simple calculation in File IO mode.

# TODO: check ase 3.23 config Error handling: - Check if settings for pseudopotential files are correct - Check if SPARC binary exists and functional - Check if specific HPC requirements are met:

(module files, libraries, parallel settings, resources)

display_name = 'Calculation (File I/O)'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info

class sparc.quicktest.ImportTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Check if external io format sparc can be registered in ASE

Error handling: - Make sure SPARC-X-API is installed via conda / pip / setuptools - If you wish to work on SPARC-X-API source code, use pip install -e

instead of setting up $PYTHON_PATH

display_name = 'Import'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info

class sparc.quicktest.PspTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Check at least one directory of Pseudopotential files exist info[psp_dir] contains the first psp dir found on system # TODO: check if all psp files can be located #TODO: update to the ASE 3.23 config method

Error handling: - Default version of psp files can be downloaded by

python -m sparc.download_data

  • Alternatively, specify the variable $SPARC_PSP_PATH to the custom pseudopotential files

display_name = 'Pseudopotential'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info

class sparc.quicktest.SocketCalcTest[source]

Bases: BaseTest

Run a simple calculation in Socket mode (UNIX socket).

# TODO: check ase 3.23 config Error handling: - The same as error handling in file I/O calculation test - Check if SPARC binary supports socket

display_name = 'Calculation (UNIX socket)'

Each class should implement ways to update result and info
