Coverage for sparc/sparc_parsers/ 91%
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2Created on Thu Oct 18 14:16:21 2018
4Ben Comer (Georgia Tech)
6This file has been heavily modified since SPARC 0.1
8TODO: more descriptions about this file io parser
10import re
11from datetime import datetime
12from warnings import warn
14import numpy as np
15from ase.units import Bohr, GPa, Hartree
17# Safe wrappers for both string and fd
18from ase.utils import reader, writer
20from ..api import SparcAPI
21from .utils import bisect_and_strip, read_block_input
23# TODO: should allow user to select the api
24defaultAPI = SparcAPI()
28def _read_out(fileobj):
29 """
30 Read the .out file content
32 The output file is just stdout. The blocks are read using re-patterns rather than the way .static / .geopt or .aimd are parsed
33 """
34 contents =
35 sparc_version = _read_sparc_version(contents[:4096])
36 # print(sparc_version)
37 # TODO: use the sparc version to construct the API
38 output_dict = {"sparc_version": sparc_version}
39 # Combine the input parameters and parallelization sections
40 output_dict["parameters"] = _read_input_params(contents)
42 # Parse the Initialization and timing info, and if calculation
43 # successfully finished
44 # Note: not all information are converted!
45 output_dict["run_info"] = _read_run_info(contents)
46 # List of scf information,
47 # including scf convergence, energy etc
48 output_dict["ionic_steps"] = _read_scfs(contents)
49 return {"out": output_dict}
52def _read_sparc_version(header):
53 """Read the sparc version from the output file header.
55 This function should live outside the _read_output since some other functions may use it
57 TODO: combine it with the version from initialization.c
58 """
59 pattern_version = r"SPARC\s+\(\s*?version(.*?)\)"
60 match = re.findall(pattern_version, header)
61 if len(match) != 1:
62 warn("Header does not contain SPARC version information!")
63 return None
64 date_str = match[0].strip().replace(",", " ")
65 # Accept both abbreviate and full month name
66 try:
67 date_version = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%B %d %Y").strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
68 except ValueError:
69 try:
70 date_version = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%b %d %Y").strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
71 except ValueError:
72 warn("Cannot fetch SPARC version information!")
73 date_version = None
74 return date_version
77def _read_input_params(contents, validator=defaultAPI):
78 """Parse the Input parameters and Paral"""
79 lines = "\n".join(
80 _get_block_text(contents, "Input parameters")
81 + _get_block_text(contents, "Parallelization")
82 ).split("\n")
83 # print(lines)
84 params = read_block_input(lines, validator=validator)
85 return params
88def _read_run_info(contents):
89 """Parse the run info sections
90 Note due to the complexity of the run info,
91 the types are not directly converted
92 """
93 lines = "\n".join(
94 _get_block_text(contents, "Timing info")
95 + _get_block_text(contents, "Initialization")
96 ).split("\n")
97 block_dict = {"raw_info": lines}
98 # Select key fields to store
99 for line in lines:
100 if ":" not in line:
101 continue
102 key, value = bisect_and_strip(line, ":")
103 key = key.lower()
104 if key in block_dict:
105 if key not in ("pseudopotential",):
106 warn(
107 f"Key {key} from run information appears multiple times in your outputfile!"
108 )
109 # For keys like pseudopotential, we make it a list
110 else:
111 origin_value = list(block_dict[key])
112 value = origin_value + [value]
114 block_dict[key] = value
115 return block_dict
118def _read_scfs(contents):
119 """Parse the ionic steps
121 Return:
122 List of ionic steps information
125 """
126 convergence_info = _get_block_text(contents, r"Self Consistent Field \(SCF.*?\)")
127 results_info = _get_block_text(contents, "Energy and force calculation")
129 # Should not happen
130 if len(convergence_info) > len(results_info) + 1:
131 raise ValueError(
132 "Error, length of convergence information and energy calculation mismatch!"
133 )
134 elif len(convergence_info) == len(results_info) + 1:
135 warn("Last ionic SCF has not finished! The results may be incomplete")
136 else:
137 pass
139 # Stick to the convergence information as the main section
140 n_steps = len(convergence_info)
141 steps = []
142 # for i, step in enumerate(zip(convergence_info, results_info)):
143 for i in range(n_steps):
144 conv = convergence_info[i]
145 # Solution for incomplete calculations
146 if i >= len(results_info):
147 res = "" # Empty lines
148 else:
149 res = results_info[i]
150 current_step = {"scf_step": i}
151 # TODO: add support for convergence fields
152 conv_lines = conv.splitlines()
153 # conv_header is normally 4-column table
154 conv_header = re.split(r"\s{3,}", conv_lines[0])
156 scf_sub_steps = []
157 # For ground-state calculations, the output will be only 1 block
158 # For hybrid (HSE/PBE0) calculations the EXX loops will also be included
159 # General rule: we search for the line "Total number of SCF: N", read back N(+1) lines
160 for lino, line in enumerate(conv_lines):
161 if "Total number of SCF:" not in line:
162 continue
163 scf_num = int(line.split(":")[-1])
164 conv_array = np.genfromtxt(
165 [
166 l
167 for l in conv_lines[lino - scf_num : lino]
168 if l.split()[0].isdigit()
169 ],
170 dtype=float,
171 ndmin=2,
172 )
173 conv_dict = {}
174 for i, field in enumerate(conv_header):
175 field = field.strip()
176 value = conv_array[:, i]
177 # TODO: re-use the value conversion function in res part
178 if "Ha/atom" in field:
179 value *= Hartree
180 field.replace("Ha/atom", "eV/atom")
181 if "Iteration" in field:
182 value = value.astype(int)
183 conv_dict[field] = value
184 # Determine if the current block is a ground-state or EXX
185 name_line = conv_lines[lino - scf_num - 1]
186 if "Iteration" in name_line:
187 name = "ground state"
188 else:
189 name = name_line
191 conv_dict["name"] = name
192 scf_sub_steps.append(conv_dict)
194 current_step["convergence"] = scf_sub_steps
196 res = res.splitlines()
197 for line in res:
198 if ":" not in line:
199 continue
200 key, value = bisect_and_strip(line, ":")
201 key = key.lower()
202 if key in current_step:
203 warn(
204 f"Key {key} appears multiples in one energy / force calculation, your output file may be incorrect."
205 )
206 # Conversion of values are relatively easy
207 pattern_value = r"([+\-\d.Ee]+)\s+\((.*?)\)"
208 match = re.findall(pattern_value, value)
209 raw_value, unit = float(match[0][0]), match[0][1]
210 if unit == "Ha":
211 converted_value = raw_value * Hartree
212 converted_unit = "eV"
213 elif unit == "Ha/atom":
214 converted_value = raw_value * Hartree
215 converted_unit = "eV/atom"
216 elif unit == "Ha/Bohr":
217 converted_value = raw_value * Hartree / Bohr
218 converted_unit = "eV/Angstrom"
219 elif unit == "GPa":
220 converted_value = raw_value * GPa
221 converted_unit = "eV/Angstrom^3"
222 elif unit == "sec":
223 converted_value = raw_value * 1
224 converted_unit = "sec"
225 elif unit == "Bohr magneton":
226 converted_value = raw_value
227 converted_unit = "Bohr magneton"
228 else:
229 warn(f"Conversion for unit {unit} unknown! Treat as unit")
230 converted_value = raw_value
231 converted_unit = unit
232 current_step[key] = {
233 "value": converted_value,
234 "unit": converted_unit,
235 }
236 steps.append(current_step)
237 return steps
240def _get_block_text(text, block_name):
241 """Get an output 'block' with a specific block name
243 the outputs are not line-split
244 """
245 # Add the ending separator so matching is possible for partial-complete
246 # .out file from socket calculations
247 text = text + ("=" * 68) + "\n"
248 pattern_block = (
249 r"[\*=]{50,}\s*?\n\s*?BLOCK_NAME\s*?\n[\*=]{50,}\s*\n(.*?)[\*=]{50,}"
250 )
251 pattern = pattern_block.replace("BLOCK_NAME", block_name)
252 match = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
253 if len(match) == 0:
254 warn(f"Block {block_name} cannot be parsed from current text!")
255 return match
259def _write_out(
260 fileobj,
261 data_dict,
263 raise NotImplementedError("Writing output file from SPARC-X-API not supported!")