# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A module to parse the latex documents provided by SPARC
and convert to its Python API
Created on Wed Mar 1 15:32:31 EST 2023
Tian Tian (alchem0x2a@gmail.com)
import json
import re
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
# Some fields in master SPARC doc may cause auto type detection
# to fail, need hard-coded post-processing for now
postprocess_items = {
"RELAX_FLAG": {"allow_bool_input": False},
"NPT_SCALE_CONSTRAINTS": {"type": "string"},
"NPT_SCALE_VECS": {"type": "integer array"},
"TOL_POISSON": {"type": "double"},
sparc_repo_url = "https://github.com/SPARC-X/SPARC.git"
class SparcDocParser(object):
"""Parses LaTeX documentation of SPARC-X and converts it into a Python API.
This class extracts parameter information from LaTeX source files,
organizing it into a structured format that can be easily used in
Python. It supports parsing of version details, parameter types,
units, and other relevant information.
version (str): Parsed SPARC version, based on the documentation.
parameter_categories (list): Categories of parameters extracted.
parameters (dict): Extracted parameters with detailed information.
other_parameters (dict): Additional parameters not categorized.
find_main_file(main_file_pattern): Finds the main LaTeX file based on a pattern.
get_include_files(): Retrieves a list of included LaTeX files.
parse_version(parse): Parses and sets the SPARC version.
parse_parameters(): Extracts parameters from LaTeX files.
postprocess(): Applies hard-coded post-processing to some parameters.
to_dict(): Converts parsed information into a dictionary.
json_from_directory(directory, include_subdirs, **kwargs): Class method to create JSON from a directory.
json_from_repo(url, version, include_subdirs, **kwargs): Class method to create JSON from a repository.
def __init__(
"""Create the doc parser pointing to the root of the doc file of SPARC
The SPARC doc is organized as follows:
|---- Manual.tex
|---- Introduction.tex
|---- {Section}.tex
For parameters additional to the standard SPARC options, such as the SQ / cyclix
options, we merge the dict from the sub-dirs
doc_root: root directory to the LaTeX files, may look like `SPARC/doc/.LaTeX`
main_file: main LaTeX file for the manual
intro_file: LaTeX file for the introduction
params_from_intro: only contain the parameters that can be parsed in `intro_file`
parse_date: get the SPARC version by date
self.root = Path(directory)
self.main_file = self.find_main_file(main_file)
self.intro_file = self.root / intro_file
if not self.intro_file.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Introduction file {intro_file} is missing!")
self.include_files = self.get_include_files()
self.params_from_intro = params_from_intro
def find_main_file(self, main_file_pattern):
Finds the main LaTeX file that matches the given pattern, e.g. Manual.tex or Manual_cyclix.te
main_file_pattern (str): Pattern to match the main LaTeX file name.
Path: Path to the main LaTeX file.
FileNotFoundError: If no or multiple files match the pattern.
candidates = list(self.root.glob(main_file_pattern))
if len(candidates) != 1:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Main file {main_file_pattern} is missing or more than 1 exists!"
return candidates[0]
def get_include_files(self):
Retrieves a list of LaTeX files included in the main LaTeX document, e.g. Manual.tex.
list: A list of paths to the included LaTeX files.
pattern = r"\\begin\{document\}(.*?)\\end\{document\}"
text = open(self.main_file, "r", encoding="utf8").read()
# Only the first begin/end document will be matched
match = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)[0]
pattern_include = r"\\include\{(.+?)\}"
include = re.findall(pattern_include, match, re.DOTALL)
include_files = []
for name in include:
tex_file = self.root / f"{name}.tex"
if tex_file.is_file():
f"TeX file {tex_file} is missing! It may be a typo in the document, "
"ignore parameters from this file."
return include_files
def parse_version(self, parse=True):
Parses and sets the SPARC version based on the C-source file, if possible.
The date for the SPARC code is parsed from initialization.c in the "YYYY.MM.DD"
parse (bool): Whether to parse the version from the documentation.
self.version (str): The parsed version in 'YYYY.MM.DD' format or None,
if either parse=False, or the C-source code is missing
if parse is False:
self.version = None
init_c = self.root.parents[1] / "src" / "initialization.c"
if not init_c.is_file():
'Cannot find the c source file "initialization.c", skip version parsing!'
self.version = None
text = open(init_c, "r", encoding="utf8").read()
pattern_version = r"SPARC\s+\(\s*?version(.*?)\)"
match = re.findall(pattern_version, text)
if len(match) != 1:
'Parsing c source file "initialization.c" for version is unsuccessful!'
self.version = None
# We need to add more spacing matching in case the source code includes extra
date_str = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", match[0].strip().replace(",", " "))
# Older version of SPARC doc may contain abbreviated month format
date_version = None
for fmt in ("%b %d %Y", "%B %d %Y"):
date_version = datetime.strptime(date_str, fmt).strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
except Exception:
if date_version is None:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse date time {date_str}")
self.version = date_version
def __parse_parameter_from_frame(self, frame):
"""Parse the parameters from a single LaTeX frame
frame (str): a string containing the LaTeX frame (e.g. \\begin{frame} ... \\end{frame})
dict: a key-value paired dict parsed from the frame. Some field names include:
type: Double | Integer | String | Character | Double array
unit: specified in the doc
pattern_label = r"\\texttt\{(.*?)\}.*?\\label\{(.*?)\}"
pattern_block = r"\\begin\{block\}\{(.*?)\}([\s\S]*?)\\end\{block\}"
match_label = re.findall(pattern_label, frame, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
if len(match_label) != 1:
warn("Provided a non-structured frame for parsing, skip.")
return {}
symbol, label = (
# Every match contains the (name, content) pair of the blocks
matches = re.findall(pattern_block, frame, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
param_dict = {"symbol": symbol, "label": label}
# TODO: add more type definition
for key, content in matches:
key = key.lower()
content = content.strip()
# Do not parse commented-out values
if (key == "type") and (content.startswith("%")):
warn(f"Parameter {symbol} is disabled in the doc, ignore!")
return {}
if key in ("example",):
content = convert_tex_example(content)
param_dict[key] = content
# Sanitize 1: Convert types
param_dict = sanitize_type(param_dict)
# Sanitize 2: Convert default values
param_dict = sanitize_default(param_dict)
# Sanitize 3: Remove TeX components in description and remark
param_dict = sanitize_description(param_dict)
return param_dict
def __parse_frames_from_text(self, text):
"""Extract all the frames that aren't commented in the text
text (str): Full LaTeX text
list: Matched LaTeX Beamer frame fragments
pattern_frame = r"\\begin\{frame\}(.*?)\\end\{frame\}"
matches = re.findall(pattern_frame, text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
return matches
def __parse_intro_file(self):
"""Parse the introduction file
parameter_dict (dict): dictionary using the parameter category as the main key
(following order in Introduction.tex)
parameter_categories (list): list of categories
text_intro = open(self.intro_file, "r", encoding="utf8").read()
pattern_params = (
r"^\\begin\{frame\}.*?\{Input file options\}.*?$(.*?)\\end\{frame\}"
pattern_block = r"\\begin\{block\}\{(.*?)\}([\s\S]*?)\\end\{block\}"
pattern_line = r"\\hyperlink\{(.*?)\}{\\texttt\{(.*?)\}\}"
text_params = re.findall(pattern_params, text_intro, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)[
parameter_categories = []
parameter_dict = {}
for match in re.findall(pattern_block, text_params):
cat = match[0].lower()
# print(cat)
if cat in parameter_categories:
raise ValueError(
f"Key {cat} already exists! You might have a wrong LaTeX doc file!"
parameter_dict[cat] = []
param_lines = match[1].split("\n")
for line in param_lines:
matches = re.findall(pattern_line, line)
if len(matches) == 0:
# Each match should contain 2 items, the "Link" that matches a reference in included-tex files
# symbol is the actual symbol name (in text-format)
# In most cases the link and symbol should be the same
for match in matches:
label, symbol = match[0].strip(), convert_tex_parameter(
parameter_dict[cat].append({"label": label, "symbol": symbol})
return parameter_categories, parameter_dict
def __parse_all_included_files(self):
"""Pop up all known parameters from included files
dict: All known parameters from included files
all_params = {}
for f in self.include_files:
# Do not parse intro file since it's waste of time
if f.resolve() == self.intro_file.resolve():
text = open(f, "r", encoding="utf8").read()
frames = self.__parse_frames_from_text(text)
for frame in frames:
dic = self.__parse_parameter_from_frame(frame)
if len(dic) > 0:
label = dic["label"]
all_params[label] = dic
return all_params
def parse_parameters(self):
"""The actual thing for parsing parameters
parameters (dict): All parsed parameters
parameter_categoris (list): List of categories
other_parameters (dict): Any parameters that are not included in the categories
parameter_categories, parameter_dict = self.__parse_intro_file()
all_params = self.__parse_all_included_files()
self.parameter_categories = parameter_categories
# parameters contain only the "valid" ones that are shown in the intro
# all others are clustered in "other_parameters"
self.parameters = {}
for cat, params in parameter_dict.items():
for p in params:
label = p["label"]
symbol = p["symbol"]
param_details = all_params.pop(label, {})
if param_details != {}:
param_details["category"] = cat
self.parameters[symbol] = param_details
self.other_parameters = {}
for param_details in all_params.values():
symbol = param_details["symbol"]
self.other_parameters[symbol] = param_details
def postprocess(self):
"""Use the hardcoded dict prostprocess_items to fix some issues"""
for param, fix in postprocess_items.items():
if param in self.parameters:
def to_dict(self):
"""Output a json dict from current document parser
dict: All API schemes in dict
doc = {}
doc["sparc_version"] = self.version
doc["categories"] = self.parameter_categories
doc["parameters"] = {k: v for k, v in sorted(self.parameters.items())}
doc["other_parameters"] = {
k: v for k, v in sorted(self.other_parameters.items())
doc["data_types"] = sorted(set([p["type"] for p in self.parameters.values()]))
return doc
def json_from_directory(cls, directory=".", include_subdirs=True, **kwargs):
Recursively add parameters from all Manual files
directory (str or PosixPath): The directory to the LaTeX files, e.g. <sparc-root>/doc/.LaTeX
include_subdirs (bool): If true, also parse the manual files in submodules, e.g. cyclix, highT
str: Formatted json-string of the API
directory = Path(directory)
root_dict = cls(directory=directory, **kwargs).to_dict()
if include_subdirs:
for sub_manual_tex in directory.glob("*/*Manual.tex"):
subdir = sub_manual_tex.parent
sub_dict = cls(directory=subdir, parse_version=False).to_dict()
except FileNotFoundError:
" Latex files not found. Check naming conventions for Manual.tex. Expects format *Manual.tex",
for param, param_desc in sub_dict["parameters"].items():
if param not in root_dict["parameters"]:
root_dict["parameters"][param] = param_desc
# Combine the subdir categories
for sub_category in sub_dict["categories"]:
if sub_category not in root_dict["categories"]:
# Combine data types
for sub_dt in sub_dict["data_types"]:
if sub_dt not in root_dict["data_types"]:
json_string = json.dumps(root_dict, indent=True)
return json_string
def json_from_repo(
cls, url=sparc_repo_url, version="master", include_subdirs=True, **kwargs
Download the source code from git and use json_from_directory to parse
url (str): URL for the repository of SPARC, default is "https://github.com/SPARC-X/SPARC.git"
version (str): Git version or commit hash of the SPARC repo
include_subdirs (bool): If true, also parse the manual files in submodules, e.g. cyclix, highT
str: Formatted json-string of the API
import tempfile
from subprocess import run
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)
download_dir = tmpdir / "SPARC"
download_cmds = ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", str(url), "SPARC"]
run(download_cmds, cwd=tmpdir)
if version not in ["master", "HEAD"]:
fetch_cmds = ["git", "fetch", "--depth", "1", str(version)]
run(fetch_cmds, cwd=download_dir)
checkout_cmds = ["git", "checkout", str(version)]
run(checkout_cmds, cwd=download_dir)
json_string = cls.json_from_directory(
directory=download_dir / "doc" / ".LaTeX",
return json_string
def convert_tex_parameter(text):
Conver a TeX string to non-escaped name (for parameter only)
text (str): Parameter name in LaTeX format
str: Text with sanitized parameter
return text.strip().replace("\_", "_")
def convert_tex_example(text):
"""Convert TeX codes of examples as much as possible
The examples follow the format
SYMBOL: values (may contain new lines)
text (str): Single or multiline LaTeX contents
str: Sanitized literal text
mapper = {"\\texttt{": "", "\_": "_", "}": "", "\\": "\n"}
new_text = copy(text)
for m, r in mapper.items():
new_text = new_text.replace(m, r)
symbol, values = new_text.split(":")
symbol = symbol.strip()
values = re.sub("\n+", "\n", values.strip())
# Remove all comment lines
values = "\n".join(
[l for l in values.splitlines() if not l.lstrip().startswith("%")]
new_text = f"{symbol}: {values}"
return new_text
def convert_tex_default(text, desired_type=None):
"""Convert default values as much as possible.
The desire type will convert the default values
to the closest format
Currently supported conversions
1. Remove all surrounding text modifiers (texttt)
2. Remove all symbol wrappers $
3. Convert value to single or array
text (str): Raw text string for value
desired_type (str or None): Data type to be converted to. If None, preserve the string format
converted: Value converted from raw text
mapper = {
"\\texttt{": "",
"}": "",
"{": "",
"\\_": "_",
"\_": "_",
"\\\\": "\n",
"$": "",
text = text.strip()
text = re.sub(r"\\hyperlink\{.*?\}", "", text)
text = re.sub(r"\\times", "x", text)
for m, r in mapper.items():
text = text.replace(m, r)
text = re.sub(r"\n+", "\n", text)
# Remove all comment lines
text = "\n".join([l for l in text.splitlines() if not l.lstrip().startswith("%")])
# print(text)
converted = None
if "none" in text.lower():
converted = None
elif "no default" in text.lower():
converted = None
elif "automat" in text.lower():
converted = "auto"
# try type conversion
if desired_type is None:
converted = text
elif desired_type == "string":
converted = text
converted = text2value(text, desired_type)
return converted
def text2value(text, desired_type):
"""Convert raw text to a desired type
text (str): Text contents for the value
desired_type (str): Target data type from 'string', 'integer',
'integer array', 'double', 'double array',
'bool', 'bool array'
converted: Value converted to the desired type
if desired_type is None:
return text
desired_type = desired_type.lower()
if desired_type == "string":
return text.strip()
arr = np.genfromtxt(text.splitlines(), delimiter=" ", dtype=float)
if np.isnan(arr).any():
f"Some fields in {text} cannot converted to a numerical array, will skip conversion."
arr = None
except Exception as e:
f"Cannot transform {text} to array, skip converting. Error message is:\n {e}"
arr = None
if arr is None:
return None
# Upshape ndarray to at least 1D
if arr.shape == ():
arr = np.reshape(arr, [1])
converted = None
from contextlib import suppress
# Ignore all failures and make conversion None
with suppress(Exception):
if desired_type == "integer":
converted = int(arr[0])
elif desired_type == "bool":
converted = bool(arr[0])
elif desired_type == "double":
converted = float(arr[0])
elif desired_type == "integer array":
converted = np.ndarray.tolist(arr.astype(int))
elif desired_type == "bool array":
converted = np.ndarray.tolist(arr.astype(bool))
elif desired_type == "double array":
converted = np.ndarray.tolist(arr.astype(float))
return converted
def is_array(text):
"""Simply try to convert a string into a numpy array and compare if length is larger than 1
it is only used to compare a float / int value
val = np.fromstring(text, sep=" ")
if len(val) == 1:
return False
return True
def contain_only_bool(text):
"""Check if a string only contains 0 1 or spaces"""
if any([c in text for c in (".", "+", "-", "e", "E")]):
return False
digits = re.findall(r"[-+e\d]+", text, re.DOTALL)
for d in digits:
val = int(d)
if val not in (0, 1):
return False
return True
def sanitize_description(param_dict):
"""Sanitize the description and remark field
param_dict (dict): Raw dict for one parameter entry
dict: Sanitized parameter dict with comment, remark and description
converted to human-readable formats
sanitized_dict = param_dict.copy()
original_desc = sanitized_dict["description"]
sanitized_dict["description_raw"] = original_desc
original_remark = sanitized_dict.get("remark", "")
sanitized_dict["remark_raw"] = original_remark
sanitized_dict["description"] = convert_comment(original_desc)
sanitized_dict["remark"] = convert_comment(original_remark)
return sanitized_dict
def sanitize_default(param_dict):
"""Sanitize the default field
1. Create an extra field `default_remark` that copies original default
2. Use `convert_tex_default` to convert values as much as possible
This function should be called after sanitize_type
sanitized_dict = param_dict.copy()
original_default = sanitized_dict["default"]
sanitized_dict["default_remark"] = original_default
converted_default = convert_tex_default(original_default, param_dict["type"])
sanitized_dict["default"] = converted_default
return sanitized_dict
def sanitize_type(param_dict):
"""Sanitize the param dict so that the type are more consistent
For example, if type is Double / Integer,
but parameter is a vector,
make a double vector or integer vector
sanitized_dict = param_dict.copy()
symbol = param_dict["symbol"]
origin_type = param_dict.get("type", None)
if origin_type is None:
print("Dict does not have type!")
return sanitized_dict
origin_type = origin_type.lower()
sanitized_type = None
sanitized_dict["allow_bool_input"] = False
# First pass, remove all singular types
if origin_type == "0 or 1":
origin_type = "integer"
elif "permutation" in origin_type:
sanitized_type = "integer"
elif origin_type in ("string", "character"):
sanitized_type = "string"
elif "array" in origin_type:
sanitized_type = origin_type
# Pass 2, test if int values are arrays
if (origin_type in ["int", "integer", "double"]) and (sanitized_type is None):
if "int" in origin_type:
origin_type = "integer"
# Test if the value from example is a single value or array
example_value = param_dict["example"].split(":")[1]
default = param_dict["default"]
_array_test = is_array(example_value)
_bool_test = contain_only_bool(example_value) and contain_only_bool(default)
except Exception as e:
f"Array conversion failed for {example_value}, ignore."
f"The error is {e}"
_array_test = False # Retain
if _array_test is True:
sanitized_type = f"{origin_type} array"
sanitized_type = origin_type
# Pass 3: int to boolean test. This should be done very tight
if _bool_test and ("integer" in sanitized_type):
sanitized_dict["allow_bool_input"] = True
if sanitized_type is None:
# Currently there is only one NPT_NH_QMASS has this type
# TODO: think of a way to format a mixed array?
warn(f"Type of {symbol} if not standard digit or array, mark as others.")
sanitized_type = "other"
# TODO: how about provide a true / false type?
sanitized_dict["type"] = sanitized_type
return sanitized_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run the module as independent script to extract a json-formatted parameter list
from argparse import ArgumentParser
argp = ArgumentParser(description="Parse the LaTeX doc to json")
help="Output file name (json-formatted)",
help="Parse manual parameters from subdirs",
argp.add_argument("--git", action="store_true")
help="Version of the doc. Only works when using git repo",
"Root of the SPARC doc LaTeX files, or remote git repo link. If not provided and --git is enables, use the default github repo"
args = argp.parse_args()
output = Path(args.output).with_suffix(".json")
if args.git:
if args.root is None:
root = sparc_repo_url
root = args.root
json_string = SparcDocParser.json_from_repo(
url=root, version=args.version, include_subdirs=args.include_subdirs
json_string = SparcDocParser.json_from_directory(
directory=Path(args.root), include_subdirs=args.include_subdirs
with open(output, "w", encoding="utf8") as fd:
print(f"SPARC parameter specifications written to {output}!")
print("If you need to fintune the definitions, please edit them manually.")